


Division 1 Champions 2003-2004


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. Awards for Season 2003-2004



caleyjags .com has only been on line for a few weeks and is still largely under construction. However the team have been collecting media for the site and observing games for considerably longer. It was decided that as the season has been very successful for the team and the site has been so well received that awards to players should be made at the End Of Season Party.

In keeping with the site's main contribution to supporters during its first few weeks of existence, it was decided that an award would be made related to the video content that the site has been providing.

It was also decided by the team at that an award should be made to their choice of best player.

Finally a special award, for achievement, was to be made.

Best goal

(click on trophy for larger view)

The site was launched, first with a test site at, with a number of goals on video files for visitors to download. The test site was launched soon after the Motherwell v Caley Jags Scottish Cup game, although it had been conceived much earlier.

It was felt that it would be very appropriate that the site award a trophy for the best goal, as the majority of video downloads available are of Caley Jag goals.

As this was conceived of within two weeks of the presentation it was decided to canvas the support at the Clyde v Caley Jags game. A clear winner was established without to much trouble. In the week up to the presentation a poll was conducted on the web site. However, The forum on which the poll was conducted was still very new and did not attract a lot of traffic. Based on the earlier survey the cup was sent to be inscribed. The subsequent on line poll produced the same result as the survey at the Clyde game. Memorable goals included the two at the Bell's cup final, one by Bingham and one by Hislop. The semi-final replay goal by Paul Ritchie and supplied with precision by David Bingham were all high on the supporters lists. However for season 2003-4 the goal of the year went to Barry Wilson for his masterpiece at Motherwell. This has been the most popular goal down load by Caley Jags supporters and has been linked to by a number of external sites .


It is additionally appropriate that this goal should get the first award from as this was the first goal posted for download. Well done Barry Wilson and we look forwards to posting your Caley Jags SPL goals for download next season.

Best player 2003-2004

The caleyjags .com did not have time to canvas opinions as to who should be the most appropriate recipient of this trophy.

(click on trophy for larger view)

It is obvious from the trophy selected that Mark Brown was the choice of the team. This may be surprising as the main output from in the first few weeks were videos of goals scored. However it was obvious to the team that there were very few goals from the opposing teams that required to be posted. It is always hard to select one individual from a team that are all achieving. This was no different. However a unanimous decision was reached and the award for the caley player of the year for season 2003-2004 went to Mark Brown.


We wish you all the best and look forward to you being as effective next season in the SPL. special award

caleyjags .com decided that one small group of supporters have made a major impact this season. The drummers had some early difficulties. I remember one Caley 'supporter' complaining about the noise early in the season. I also remember him being removed from the ground by the police. We all remember the game at Ayr when the noise was so great that we drowned out the home support leading to the drums being impounded. There were the games when the team went a goal down and the drums lead the chants to encourage the team to fight back.

The highlight of the year must have been the Semi Final re-play against Dunfermline in Aberdeen. I was lucky enough to see the faces of the radio commentator when they saw the drums arrive and then realize that they would be sited three of four meters away.... a classic moment. And did those drums pound through that game! realize that there are a number of drummers, however Bingham Legend and Big Kyle seem to have been there the longest and most often So, as a recognition of the appreciation of the web site team both were awarded with new caleyjags training tops. BL accepted the award on behalf of both. Caley Fifer's camera failed him and no photo is available of the award. However, BL was caught later on the local infra red surveillance camera. Caley Fifer hacked into the police computer and the following picture captures the subsequent celebrations to the award.



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